Group Health Insurance

Complete Small Business Health Insurance Solutions

Confused about Group Health Insurance? Let us help you today!


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SG health ad 1200x628Peak Advisors, Inc. is a full service group health insurance brokerage. We specialize in helping you find the health insurance plan that is right for your business. Healthcare Reform brings about new state insurance exchanges,  ever increasing premiums and new plan designs. With all of the new rules and regulations, now is the time for you to have us review your health insurance plan for your business. We work with all of the health insurance carriers, including the New York State of Health, and we can advise you on all of your options to help you narrow down your choices based on your particular business needs.

Most small businesses do not have the time or the resources to employ a benefits administrator. Peak Advisors, Inc.  will administer your health benefits for you, handling enrollments and employee administration, annual renewals and benefit designs, enabling you to focus on your own business. We review your plan each and every year, making sure your benefits are in line with your needs.

Should you already have a plan in place and are either not happy with the broker handling your account, or would simply like us to administer your account for you, we would welcome the opportunity.