2017 NY Individual Health Insurance Open Enrollment Deadlines

2017 NY Individual Health Insurance Open Enrollment Deadlines are quickly approaching. In order to lock in your coverage for 2017, you must apply for and submit your application for coverage no later than the following dates:

NY State of Health – Applications completed and submitted between now and Jan 31st will receive an effective date of March 1, 2017

Off Exchange – Any application completed and submitted to us for coverage directly with the carrier will be able to secure an effective date of February 1, 2017 if received by January 31st for both Oscar and Care Connect.

Any applications received outside of the above dates will require proof of a qualifying event. For a listing of approved qualifying events please click here

Keep in mind that depending on your income, NYSOH enrollment is open year round for those eligible for either Medicaid or Essential Plans. These are only available when enrolling via NYSOH portal. We would be happy to assist you with these enrollments throughout the year as we are a certified broker on the New York State of Health marketplace.