2017 Individual Health Insurance for NYC and Long Island

After a great deal of analysis and thought, we have decided to limit the number of carriers we represent in the individual health insurance market this year for New York City and Long Island. We have concluded that we must work with insurance companies who have cost controls in mind for the long term, provide high quality provider networks, have established an efficient Customer and Broker services department, and appreciate the value we provide you as an expert in the health insurance field for over 25 years

2017 is expected to be a very turbulent year for individual health insurance throughout the US. This turmoil ranges from large price increases to insurance carriers exiting the individual market, from national trends towards individual market instability to the insurance carrier’s increasing reliance on members to make their own healthcare plan shopping decisions; all while not fairly compensating brokers for their expert advice.

It is clear that the national trend is towards smaller or narrower provider networks that promote sharing of information between providers and members to better control the outcomes of services. While some might find it difficult to keep all of the providers they might once have had access to, these networks are built on highly regarded providers and top notch hospitals.  In the long run, it is our opinion that these are the only plans that will be able to somewhat control costs and provide top notch care.

New plan information and rates will be released as it becomes available, please check back often for the most up to date info.