2015 Health Insurance Open Enrollment Ending Soon!

2015 Individual Health Open Enrollment Ending Soon!


Whether you have never signed up for individual health insurance, or wish to change your current carrier or benefit level, the 2015 Open Enrollment (OE) deadline is quickly approaching. Do not delay in applying for coverage, as Feb 15, 2015 is the LAST DAY to sign up for a plan in NY State.


In addition, fines for not having coverage for all 12 months of the year are going up!

If you don’t have coverage in 2015, you’ll pay the higher of these two amounts:

  • 2% of your yearly household income. (Only the amount of income above the tax filing threshold, about $10,000 for an individual, is used to calculate the penalty.) The maximum penalty is the national average premium for a bronze plan.
  • $325 per person for the year ($162.50 per child under 18). The maximum penalty per family using this method is $975.


It is easy to enroll with us for individual health insurance. First, you should decide if you qualify for a subsidy or not. You might qualify for a subsidy if:


  • Your income is projected to be below $46,680 in 2015 for a one person household.
  • Your income is projected to be below $95,400 in 2015 for a family of four.


If you fall into one of the above categories, it is best that you enroll via NY State of Health, which will allow you to take advantage of any tax credits you might be eligible for. We are certified as brokers on NYSOH and our services are of no cost to you and we can help you enroll.


If you do NOT qualify for a subsidy, we can still help you and we would enroll you directly with one of many carriers writing individual health insurance ‘off exchange’. This process is the simplest compared to NYSOH, but you are not able to get any subsidies this way, even if you qualify.


The bottom line is this: Begin today by visiting our website for step by step instructions on enrolling for insurance both ‘ON’ and OFF’ exchange, full carrier enrollment forms, benefits outlines, and premiums. Please follow this link to get started: https://peakinsuranceadvisors.com/2015-individual-health-insurance/